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애완 동물 버킷 블로그

왜 고양이가 집에 "선물"

 2016년 10월 12일 루시 작성 |
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Every cat owner has come home to find a dead mouse, bird or other hunting prize strewn across the stoop, often with Kitty waiting proudly beside his bounty. While this type of gift giving is one of our feline friends’ more off-putting habits, it is simply your cat’s way of showing he is a worthwhile hunter and offering affection to his human family.
고양이는 매년 미국에서만 수십억 마리의 새와 작은 포유 동물을 죽인다는 데이터에 의해 입증 된 것처럼 자연에서 태어난 포식자입니다. 그들의 날카로운 발톱과 이빨은이 육식 생활에 잘 적응하지만 큰 고양이 친척과는 달리 우리의 애완 동물은 생존을 위해 사냥 할 필요가 없습니다. 라이온들이 먹이를 먹이로 끌어 들여 먹이를 먹으면 우리의 고양이 친구들도 그들의 현상금을 집으로 가져 오지만 사랑하는 소유자 인 우리와 공유하게 될 것입니다.
Experts have found that spayed female cats are the most likely culprits behind these “gifts,” offering further explanation for Kitty’s behavior: In the wild, mother cats teach their kittens how to hunt and eat their food by bringing dead or injured prey back to the den. Domesticated cats still have this instinct, but fixed females have no young to teach. By leaving dead critters on the back porch or in your bedroom doorway, then, your cat is simply fulfilling her natural role as caretaker and teacher. She is welcoming you as a member of her family and working to take care of you— especially given your lack of hunting skills.
Though dead mice may be less than appealing, it’s important to remember why your cat brings home these treasures. By offering prey, he is working to prove he is a worthwhile hunter and showing he cares about you as his family. It is important not to chastise your cat for gift giving, then, but instead, give him praise with words or a pet. Be sure to remain calm and keep your disgust to yourself, too, as cats can read body language. If Kitty isn’t keen to let you dispose of his gift, try distracting him with a toy or treat instead of hurting his feelings. If there are other people around, ask them to help distract your pet while you dispose of his hunting prize.
Because hunting is hardwired into cats’ brains, there is no way to prevent your pet from bringing home gifts. Indoor cats have less opportunity to track down prey, but will still find mice or small bugs to offer you. When all else fails, housecats will even offer their toys to their owners. Just remember that sharing is caring when it comes to your cat’s hunting prizes.


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