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Stinky Mutts Need Showers: How to Wash Your Dog

 by zack on 23 3 월 2011 |
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So you’ve spent all week wearing your dog out. You’ve been to the park, on long walks, and capped it all off with a muddy trip to a lake.  You two have been on the go and keeping active, which is all well and good, but now it’s time to get cleaned up. That’s right the dreaded day on every doggy’s schedule. It’s… Bath Day!

Dun Dun Dunnnnn!

강아지 목욕은 많은 개과 동물에게 악몽이 될 수 있지만, 약간의 준비와 긍정적 인 사고 방식으로 원치 않는 스트레스를 예방할 수 있습니다. 개를 목욕하는 것은 아무 의미가없는 접근 방식을 사용하면 큰 고통이되지 않습니다. 다음은 올바른 방향으로 시작할 수있는 몇 가지 지침입니다.
  • 너무 자주 당신의 개를 세척하지 마십시오! 그래서 얼마나 자주 당신은 당신의 개를 목욕을해야합니까? 그것은 품종에 달려 있습니다. 특정 정보를 찾아야합니다. 시바 이누 (Shiba Inu)와 같은 개들은 방수 코트를 가지고 있는데 개가 너무 자주 목욕하면 벗길 수있는 천연 오일을 가지고 있습니다.
  • Choose a good shampoo! Those natural oils I was just talking about? They’re actually on every dog in varying amounts. So when a shampoo that isn’t specifically suited to animal fur is used, it will strip your pup’s skin in a second. Look for dog shampoos labeled: “Formulated for veterinary use.”
  • Give your dog plenty of exercise beforehand! You have a choice. Bathe a tired dog or a fresh and frisky one. Which seems like it might be easier? It’s best to let your dogs expend a lot of energy before bathing. That way they won’t be as vigorous in their resistance.
  • Make it fun! Try using bubbles. It doesn’t always work, but if your dog can have fun in a lake it’s not like they associate all water with a bad time. So if you bring some bubbles into the mix, you might just convince the canine that bath time is actually fun.
  •  Stay positive! Remember that dogs feed off of your emotions. If you think this is going to be fun, and choose to see it as a bonding experience with your dog then chances are they’ll follow suit. You’re the pack leader, so make your pup fall in line.
  • These are just some basic tips that should allow you and your dog to have a very positive experience at bath time. A lot of dogs hate being cleaned. After all, they worked hard to acquire all of those bad smells. Which, by the way, they think are pretty awesome.  So you’ll have to expect that there is some resistance, but if you follow these simple steps and come at the chore with a "can do" attitude, then you shouldn’t have much trouble bathing your dog. And if all else fails you can always try a mobile grooming service. 

    Make sure to keep informed with more informative articles and advice from your friends here at Petbucket!


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