$50 이상 구매 시 전세계 무료 배송

당신의 개가 Addisonian 위기를 가지고 있다는 징후

 2015 년 5 월 22 일 petbucket으로 |
Addisonian 위기는 강아지의 진단되지 않은 Addison의 질병의 결과입니다. 개가 즉각적인 치료를받지 못하면 여러 장기의 손상으로 사망 할 수 있습니다. 애디슨 병에 대한 가장 어려운 부분은 애완 동물이 가지고 있다는 것을 아는 것입니다. 징후는 미묘하고 변화를보기 위해 세심한 개 주인이 필요합니다. 일단 진단되면 Addison 's disease는 합리적인 비용으로 쉽게 관리됩니다. 당신의 개가 Addisonian 위기가있을 수 있던 몇몇 전설 표지는 여기있다.
Addison 's Disease 란 무엇입니까?
애디슨 병은 개의 부신 땀샘이 더 이상 스트레스를 처리하는 데 필요한 호르몬을 생성하지 않는 유전 질환입니다. 이 질병은 주로 암컷 개에 영향을 미치며 5 세 전까지 증상을 나타내지 않습니다.
긴 산책, 집안에 새로운 개, 사람들이 들어오고 나가는 것, 그리고 환경이 바뀌는 것이 모두 개 스트레스의 원인이됩니다. 정상적으로, 당신의 개 부신 ​​땀샘은 스트레스를 다루기 위해 글루코 코르티코이드를 배설합니다. 글루코 코르티코이드 외에도 부신 땀샘은 미네랄 코르티코이드를 방출하여 전해질의 균형을 맞 춥니 다. 이러한 스테로이드가 스트레스 중에 배설되지 않으면 개가 처리 할 수 ​​없으며 전해질이 불균형 해지고 강아지의 심장과 신장이 기능을 멈 춥니 다. 결과는 비극이지만 애완 동물을 안정시킬 수있는 응급 수의사에게 개를 돌입으로써 피할 수 있습니다.
위기의 징조
증상을 확인하려면 개 행동을 알아야합니다. 심지어 수의사조차도 수의사가 혈액 제제를 복용하지 않는다면 애디슨 병은 진단하기가 매우 어렵다는 것을 알려줍니다. 첫째, 개는 아마도 더 기진 것입니다. 개가 집 주변을 자주 따라 다니면, 이사를하면서 주변에 누워있을 것입니다.
다음으로, 개는 식욕을 잃어 식욕 부진의 증상을 보입니다. 그녀는 먹으려 고할지 몰라도 먹는대로 토하게합니다. 설사도 문제입니다. 설사와 구토 사이에는 개가 위험하게 탈수됩니다.
당신이 당신의 개와 자면, 또 다른 눈에 띄는 징후는 떨림입니다. 개가 차거나 병이 든 것처럼 흔들립니다. 그녀는 따뜻함을 위해 당신과 가까이 자려고 할 수도 있지만, 그녀는 당신을 흔들어 깨우고 깨운다.
개를 버리는 것은 개가 정기적으로 물을 마셔야한다는 것입니다. 그녀는 정기적으로 걸을 것입니다. 비록 그녀가 걸을 때 그녀는 먼 거리를 가고 싶지 않고 앉아있을 수도 있습니다. 귀하의 개 행동은 활동에 관계없이 전반적인 기면 상태가됩니다.
개와 함께 이러한 증상이 나타나면 즉시 개를 수의사에게 가져 가야합니다. 밤 시간이라면, 지역의 응급 수의사를 찾으십시오. Addisonian 위기를 겪고있는 개들은 빨리 무너질 것이므로 신속하게 행동하는 것이 중요합니다.
애디슨 병 치료
개를 빨리 수의사에게 보내면 수의사는 개 액, 약을주고 안정시킵니다. 얼마나 심각한 상태에 따라, 개는 나트륨과 칼륨 불균형, 심장 잡음과 오작동 신장을 가질 수 있습니다.
개가 안정되면 보통 며칠 후에 집에 데려다 줄 수 있습니다. 귀하의 개는 두 가지 약물, 즉 프레드 니 존 (Prednisone)과 퍼코 텐 (Percorten)에 의존합니다. 당신의 개는 프레드 존손을 매일 복용합니다. 복용량은 수의사가 결정합니다. Percorten 주사가 매월 제공됩니다. 퍼 코르 텐은 값 비싼 치료법이지만 약 200 달러에 병을 사서 수의사에게 개마다 약 10 달러 씩 줄 수 있습니다. Percorten 병은 작은 개를 사는 데 몇 달이 걸릴 것입니다. Prednisone은 훨씬 저렴합니다. Prednisone 병은 매월 약 $ 15의 비용이 든다.
작은 개는 매일 약 1.5mg의 프레드리손만을 필요로합니다. 그러나 개를 위해 스트레스가 많은 시간을 예상 할 때는 그 양을 두 배로 늘려야합니다. 예를 들어, 개를 수의사에게 데려가거나, 그녀와 함께 여행하거나, 새 개를 소개하거나 방문객이있는 경우 복용량을 두 배로 늘려야합니다.
애디슨 병으로 치료받은 개에 대한 예후는 매우 유망합니다. 위기 증상이있을 때 수의사에게 개가 도착하면 개가 회복됩니다. 당신의 개를 아는 것은 더 이상의 에피소드를 식별하는 열쇠지만, 적절한 약물 치료와 치료로, 당신의 개가 길고 행복한 삶을 살 것입니다.


Christine Martin - Comment
Christine Martin23 May 2017Reply
안녕하세요, 저는 수의사가 애디슨의 개라고 의심되어 운이 좋았습니다. 남성은 5 년 동안 살았습니다. 우리가 알아 냈을 때 6 세였습니다.

호주에서는 VET를 통해 처방전을 작성하고 화학자로부터받는 것이 매우 저렴합니다.
julie uchtmann - Comment
julie uchtmann25 Jul 2017Reply
2 살짜리 닥스 훈트는 지난 주에 진단을 받았습니다. 병원에서이 발견을 할 때까지 (우리는 Ortho and Neuro Surgeon을 지났습니다) 그녀는 위기에 처해있었습니다. 그녀는 중환자 실에서 3 일을 보내고 집으로 보내졌습니다. 16 시간 만에 그녀는 다시 흔들 리기 시작했고 등쪽 다리를 제어하지 못했습니다. 나는 그녀를 다시 병원으로 데려 갔다. 그리고 그들은 그녀의 실험실을 점검했다. 그것은 개선되었다. 그리고 나는 그 날 그녀를 데려왔다. 몇 시간 만 집에 돌아온 후, 그녀의 백 엔드는 다시 흔들리고 시작했고, 그녀는 잘 보이지 않았습니다. 나는 무엇을 해야할지 모른다! 그녀는 5 ​​개의 다른 약에 있고 나는 이미 $ 5k를 보냈다. 왜 그녀는 나아지고 있지 않습니까? 이것은 시간이 걸리는가, 즉 주. 나는 나의 다음 단계가 있어야하는 것에 관해서는 총 망 가지고있다.
angelique - Comment
angelique25 Jul 2017Reply
안녕 줄리, 내 개는 닥스 훈트 믹스입니다. 그녀는 몇 달 전에 에피소드를 갖고 거의 죽었습니다. 내 개가 정상적인 자아로 돌아가려면 일주일 정도 걸렸습니다. 그녀는 처음으로 촬영 한 후 며칠 동안 매우 천천히 걸었다. 그녀는 정상으로 돌아 왔는데, 나는 그녀의 성격이 조금 지나치게 괴롭다는 것을 알았지 만, 약이 굶주림과 갈증 증가로 인해 체중 증가를 일으켰다. 나의 개 수의사는 그녀의 신장 수는 여전히 정상으로 돌아 오지 않는다고 말한다. 그러나 사건은 그녀의 신장에 대한 효력이 있을지도 모른다. 나는 네 개가 빨리 나아질 것을 희망한다!
Alicia  - Comment
Alicia 25 Jul 2017Reply
Hi Julie, I have a Chiweenie, diagnosed at 4 years old, he's 5 now. If your dog has addison's disease, theres no "getting better" sorry to say. It is an incurable disease, but managable. My pup takes 1/4 of 5mg of prednisolone every other day and .4ml of percorten v injecttion every 25 days, that will be for the remainder of his life. He spent a week in ICU when he had a crisis. To diagnose addison's disease the vet needs to do a blood test, and check your dogs electrolyte balance. If she is on 5 different meds, what are they for? Hope this was helpful. Addison's absolutely sucks, you are always at a constant worry, every time your dog shakes you think something is wrong. But if you love your dog and give them the help they need, they will live a happy life and love you back.
Diane  - Comment
Diane 25 Jul 2017Reply
My dog today pit mix was diagnosed with Addison’s and reading everyone’s posts I’m not sure what to do. I don’t have a lot of money to invest if she goes into a crisis. I have to give her a shot tonight and start her 24hrs later on prednisone
Anna - Comment
Anna01 월 2017 일Reply
I had a Chihuahua/ Jack Russell he was on 4 yrs old & stopped eating, barking,every thing but drinking. Then we went to bed & woke up and he could no longer walk or sit up. I took it to my vet. Who kept him over night and still didn't respond to the meds. She advised me that my dog was very sick and even if he was on all the proper meds he could still relapse. I seen how sick my dog was and as much as it killed me I had to put him to sleep. I cry & miss him every minute as he was my side kick. But I couldn't let him suffer. Even he knew how sick he was. I pray for you all and your furbabies. But please don't let them suffer. And this disease can run into a very expensive illness. Please put your animal ahead of your own feelings. They feel miserable too. Hugs to all.
Maria - Comment
Maria01 월 2017 일Reply
Thank you for your words my chiewawa was diagnosed today and I feel Loss I don't want her to suffer and I too am on limited income she is 15 and has been a great companion.
Kat - Comment
Kat06 Dec 2017Reply
Addison's is a sad disease and it's imperative that you tune into your animal friend. I have had the lovely opportunity of knowing a beautiful German Short-haired pointer who was diagnosed around 2 or 3 with Addison's. Her human parent passed away and their son, my BF, adopted her at 8 1/2 years old and she very quickly she slipped into a very grave Addisonian crisis episode. She survived and over the last 5 years I have helped care for her and came to love her as my own. Amazingly she lived to 13.5 and finally we had to put her down a few days ago. My advise is to learn and understand everything about their behavior and this disease, so as to avoid losing them before their time is up. Zoey lived a good life in spite of it all. She will be missed.
Samantha - Comment
Samantha06 Dec 2017Reply
지난 주에 진단받은 독일의 짧은 머리 포인터가 있습니다! 그녀는 위기 모드와 ICU에서 3 일 동안 근무했습니다. 그녀는 지금 집에 있고 프레드니존 약을 첫 달에 시작했습니다. 그녀는 위기 상황에서 10 파운드를 잃었고 불안해했습니다. 포인터가 위기 모드를 통과했을 때 체중이 줄어 듭니까? 그렇다면 얼마나 오래 그들이 다시 얻는 것을 시작 했습니까? 나는 단지 가난한 아기가 아직 완전히 식욕을 앓지 않아서 그녀의 몸무게를 다시 많이 쓰지 않는 것 같아 걱정하고있다. (
Debbie Lockyer  - Comment
Debbie Lockyer 04 Jan 2018Reply
매우 슬픈 질병과 계산하기 매우 힘든, 오늘 밤 나는 그녀가 너무 가난한 것처럼 내 4 년 된 pomapoo를 자야했다.
lja - Comment
lja04 Jan 2018Reply
so sorry for your loss 🙏🏻
AMY - Comment
AMY21 Feb 2018Reply
내 독일 단발 머리 그랜드 도그는 5 살이고 한 달 반 전에 그는 애디슨 위기에 빠졌고 응급 클리닉에 데려 갈 때까지 거의 살아 남지 않았습니다. 나는 그가 뽑았다고 말하기는 무척 행복하지만 그가 먹지 않는 많은 체중을 잃었습니다. 그는 물을 마시고 싶지 않습니다. 수의사가 우리가 이것에 대처하는 것을 돕지 못하는 것이 정상입니까?
Cheryl - Comment
Cheryl21 Feb 2018Reply
수의사는 음식과 물을 원하지 않는다면 항 메스꺼움 약을 처방해야할까요? 개가 스테로이드와 퍼코 텐에 있습니까? 스테로이드는 개가 배고프고 목이 마르게해야합니다.

내 발 바리 / 포인트 / 플롯 하운드 믹스 개 중 하나가 Addisonian Crisis에 들어간 후 작년에 진단되었습니다. 응급실에 5 일 동안 있었어. 20 파운드를 잃어 버렸어. 모피가 떨어지고 다리를 제어하지 못했습니다. 아무것도 먹거나 마시지 않을 것입니다. 그녀는 진단을 받았을 때 4 살이었습니다.

나의 다른 개, 그녀의 여동생도 미끄러지기 시작하고있다. 지난 달에 설사와 관련된 문제가있었습니다. 항생제와 프로바이오틱스를 가져 갔고 문제를 바로 잡았지 만 그녀는 계속 무기력 해졌습니다. 또한 그녀는 식수에 관심이 없었기 때문에 탈수 상태에 빠져있었습니다. 며칠 전 그녀는 구토를 시작했습니다. 음식을 잡을 수 없으며 수면 이외에 관심이 없습니다. 우리는 지난 3 일 동안 매일 수의사에게 갔다. 마지막으로 오늘 그들은 그녀를 시인했고 Addison 테스트가 다시 실행되도록 요청했습니다. 그들은 지난 달에 달아 났고 한 명은 정상으로 돌아 왔고 ACTH는 정상으로 돌아 왔습니다.

수의사가 강아지의 전해질 수치를 다시 확인해야합니까? 그가 스테로이드와 percorten에 있다면, 아마도 복용량이 맞지 않을까요?

나는 첫 번째 개가 진단되었을 때, 그녀는 오래된 음식에 전혀 관심이 없다는 것을 기억합니다. 우리는 Newman 's Own Organic 쇠고기 통조림 식품이 그녀에게 흥미가 있다는 사실을 발견했습니다. 그녀는 그 음식을 진심으로 먹을 것입니다. 그러나 우리는 유아식으로 시작해야했습니다. 우리는 그녀가 용인 할 수있는 것을 발견하기 전에 몇 가지 유형의 통조림 식품을 시도해야했습니다. 그녀는 약 2 주 동안 캔에 담긴 음식을 먹기 시작했고 천천히 그녀의 옛날 이야기와 FreshPet을 음식으로 다시 소개하기 시작했습니다.

Panmela A Cady - Comment
Panmela A Cady21 Feb 2018Reply
a 전형적인 애디슨은 어떤 테스트에서도 나타나지는 않았지만 확실히 그런 식으로 행동했습니다. 창문 청소부가 직장에있을 때 와서 그녀가 열매를 맺었을 때부터 시작되었습니다. 이것이 방아쇠를 당길 수 있었고 에피소드를 할 수 있었습니까?
이것은 shorthaired 포인터에서 더 일반적입니까? 내 것이! / 2 구덩이와 포인터
나는 최후의 수단으로서 그녀의 입에 프레드니손을 찔렀다. 그리고 1 시간 후에 그녀는 위기에서 벗어났다. ??? 모두가 혼란 스럽다.
Kelly - Comment
Kelly24 Feb 2018Reply
내 달콤한 소년 스코티는 우리가 말하는 것처럼 위기에있는 수의사에게 응급실에 있습니다! 그는 기면이 좋았고, 약하고, 구토되었고, 탈수 상태였다. 나는 수의사에게 전화해서 가져 갔어. 당장. 그가 시험 테이블에 누워있을 때 그들은 왔고. 대추 샘플. 몇 분. 남편이 그를 붙잡고있는 순간, 그는 우리 아이가 뾰족한 밝은 붉은 피로 보였으므로 우리 아기가 쌍 따랐다고 생각했습니다. 그들은 즉시 그를 시인했지만 그가 만들지 못할 것이라고 말했다. 그는 어제 퍼콜린 주사를 맞았고 오늘은 위기에 처해있다. 너무 상심 했어. 이 아이는 제 아이와 같습니다. 다른 사람이 이것을 통해 귀하의 개가 실제로 끌어 오기 ?? !!
Joanne - Comment
Joanne24 Feb 2018Reply
수의사가 애디슨을 의심하기 전에 두 번 수의사에게 표준 푸들을 가져 왔습니다. 그는 피 묻은 대변, 구토, 피 묻은 설사, 혼수 상태, 탈모 및 떨림이있었습니다. 그녀는 애디슨의 두 번째 의심과 IV, 두 발로 그를 치료. 투여 할 항생제와 함께 IV 액과 함께 주사를 집에 보내었고 48 시간 후에 다시 시작했습니다. 그는 11 개월 된 시점에서 용혈성 면역 억제 장애로 진단 받고 입원하고 수혈을 받아야하는 등 더 어려운 케이스입니다. 이것은자가 면역 질환이기 때문에 모든 것에 렌치를 던졌습니다. 그녀는 이제 그가 다른 수의사에 의해 오진되었다고 생각하고 아마 Addisons의 발병이었을 것이라고 생각합니다. 그는 토요일 훨씬 더 잘하고 있으며, 화요일에 Addisoniian 위기를 겪고 있다고 생각하기 시작했다. 힘들어, 빤다.하지만 약간의 시간과 인내가 필요하다.
Vivienne - Comment
Vivienne24 Feb 2018Reply
Hi Kelly,
Yes we have gone through an Addisons Crisis twice before it was diagnosed correctly. Molly was only 12 weeks old the first time the vets did not get it right and she had a second crisis, this time they found the problem, she almost died both times. Now at 18 weeks old she has a little Prednisolone each day and will have an injection once a month to begin with, she is now a happy little healthy little girl full of fun again. So don't be disheartened dogs can live a long healthy life with this disease. All you have to do is pay attention to changes in her habits and act on them. Hope this is helpful.
Veronica - Comment
Veronica27 Feb 2018Reply
내 표준 푸들은 Addison diease로 진단 받았고, 13 개월 밖에되지 않아 갑자기 나타났습니다. 그녀는 누워서 흔들기 시작했습니다. 그러면 그녀는 식사를 중단했습니다. 수의사가 피와 임시 직원을 데려 갔다. 그는 Addison diease처럼 보였다고 말했다. 그녀는 체액과 스테로이드를 먹으면서 밤새 머물러 조금씩 먹기 시작했다. 그녀는 지금 집에 있고, 한 달에 한 번 총에 맞았으며 한 달에 스테로이드를 집에 보냈습니다. 항생제. 그녀의 에너지는 조금 더 집어 들었어, 나는 모두가 괜찮기를 바래. 나는 그녀가 일찍 붙 잡혔다 고 생각한다. 설사가 없었고, 구토가 없었습니다. 나는 그녀를 혼자두고 떠나기가 불안했습니다. 계속 찾아 봐.
Maria - Comment
Maria04 Mar 2018Reply
내 강아지가 havapoo 금요일에 토하는 것을 시작한 후 나는 그 토요일 먹거나 마셨다 것으로 나타났습니다. 그를 수의사에게 데려 갔고 그는 바이러스가 있다고 말했다. 일요일 그는 여전히 먹지 않고 술을 마시면 내가 그를 강제했다. 월요일에 나는 수의사에게 다시 데려 갔다. 다른 애를 봤다. Addison 병에 걸렸지 만 그를 병원에 보냈어야했다. 그들은 그것이 우리에게 말한 것이 아니라고 생각했다. 좋은 모습을 보였습니다. 신부님은 신부님 께 감사 드렸습니다. 수의사가 연락을 취하고 애디슨 시험을 치라고 요구했습니다. 신부전을 교정 한 병원에 밤새 머물렀다. 내 수의사에게 갔다가 그는 Prednisones에 있었는데 이번에는 샷이 필요하지 않습니다. 그것은 약 3 주 전 그의 강아지가 이전과 아주 똑같은 강아지가 아니기 때문에 여전히 걱정 스러웠습니다. 그는 먹고 마시고 있지만 놀기 전에 장난 치지 않습니다. 장난감으로 놀지 않기 전에 어제 과거처럼 우리에게 바람과 폭우가 짙은 폭풍이 몰아 닥쳤습니다. 나는 방금 복용량을 줄이기 위해 그의 약을 줄이기 시작했다. 나는 항상이 질병에 대해 찾고있다. 그래서 그것이 다시 일어날지도 모른다는 것을 걱정했습니다. 강아지는 이번 달에 두 명이 될 것입니다.
Cindy  - Comment
Cindy 11 Mar 2018Reply
My 17.5 year old Bostion Terrier, we know had Addison Disease. Based off of her symptoms and chemisty work up. After reading all the post here and how much she could endure with this disease. We made the decision to put her to sleep. It has been so hard, I hurt every minute since we did it on yesterday, but we could not have her suffer any longer. She spend one night in the ER and the next monring we decided to let her go to doggy heaven. Its been so hard. This disease will turn your loved four legged furry child into someone you do not know. Good luck to all who is having to deal with this dreaded disease. God Bless!
Marcus Spiller - Comment
Marcus Spiller16 Mar 2018Reply
We had a 5-year old Maltese and I noticed Tuesday that he wasn’t himself, very lethargic, no appetite, shakes, diarrhea and vomiting. Called the Vet Wednesday morning and they advised to feed him some chicken breast and broth. He ate very little, but dranked water. Was planning to take him to visit the vet if wasn’t better Thursday morning, but he passed Wednesday night. Emergency ER stabilized him for a little, but then he succumbed.. Devastated!!
lja - Comment
lja16 Mar 2018Reply
how very sad. 🙏🏻
Myriam - Comment
Myriam16 Mar 2018Reply
So sooty! It’s heart wrenching!
Thinking about you!
Patty Smith  - Comment
Patty Smith 14 Apr 2018Reply
우리의 표준 푸들은 몇 년 전에 진단 받았습니다. 그는 안정화되었고 florinef 약을 썼다. 오전 3시, 오후 3시. 그는 현재 5yo이고 잘하고 있습니다. 포기하지 마라. 1 년에 한 번 혈액을 채취하거나 언제든지 문제가 있다고 생각할 때 지금까지 그렇게 좋았습니다. 나는 내가 읽었던 문제들에 대한 주사를 바꾸지 않을 것입니다.
Jennifer Donini  - Comment
Jennifer Donini 23 May 2017Reply
4 살짜리 구덩이가 어제 애디슨과 진단되었습니다. 방금 집에 데려왔다. 그는 여전히 혼수 상태에 빠져있다. 나는 내가 많이 걱정할 것 같은 느낌이 든다. 장기간에 걸쳐 다양한 이야기가 많이 나오는 것처럼 들립니다.
Dana Forrest - Comment
Dana Forrest23 May 2017Reply
어제 아침 애디슨에 3 살짜리 퍼그, 찰리를 잃어 버렸습니다. 내 마음이 아파. 위기. 급성이었고 그렇게 빨리왔다. 그는 수요일에 구토로 시작했고, 우리는 그를 수의사에게 데려 갔고 어떤 종류의 위장을 앓게되었습니다. 목요일은 피가 흘러 내리는 diarhea이었습니다. 그래서 우리는 수의사에게로 돌아와 더 강한 약을 먹었습니다. Thirsday. 오후에 그는 위기에 처했다. 응급실로 갔다. 그는 충격을 받았고, 2 차 패혈증 감염이있었습니다. rhe sepsis (그들이 생각하는)에 의해 초래 된 혈병 때문에 나중에 2 일 (그리고 $ 9k) 후에 사망했다. 내가 가지고있는 유일한 위로는 나의 가족이 그들의 것입니다 .30 분 전에 방문하십시오. 전에. 그녀는 그를 귀여워하고 있었다. 그리고 그의 마음은 막 멈췄다. 이 질병에 대해 더 많이 알게되면서, 나는 ER 문서가 실제로 완전히 다가오는 것이 아니라는 것을 깨달았다. 매일 알약과 월간 주사로 질병을 관리하는 것이 쉬웠다 고했지만, 내가 읽은 모든 것은 증상을 실제로 관찰하고 개를 돌봐야한다는 말이다. 끊임없는 걱정의 삶과 같습니다. 나는 아마 그를 내려 놓고 가족을이 엄청난 빚과 잠재력에 빠뜨려서는 안되었을 것입니다. 그는 미래의 부채가 살아남 았지만 내 마음은 놓을 수 없었을 것입니다. 이 결정을 내리는 사람은 누구나 당신에게 옳은 일을하십시오. 그러나 다른 출처에서 자신의 연구를 할 시간을 가지십시오. 그리고 죄책감을 느끼지 마십시오. 어떤 결정을 내려야 할지를 결정하는 것은 당신과 당신을위한 경쟁자 결정입니다.
Donna - Comment
Donna07 Jun 2017Reply
내 아들은 지난 밤에이 질병에 6 살 흑인을 잃었습니다. 아무 증상도없고, 어제 추락했고, 응급실 수의사에게 달려 들었다. 그들은 그를 구할 수 있다고 생각했다. 슬프게도 어제 밤에 여러 번 코딩했기 때문에 그를 데려 올 수 없었다. 그들은 황폐 해졌고, 그는 멋진 개 였고 그리워졌습니다.
Casey Cox - Comment
Casey Cox07 Jun 2017Reply
나의 6 마리의 개는 금요일에 그가 병원에 ​​있었고 월요일에 오늘 집에 왔던 addisonian 위기에 들어갔다. 그러나 그는 여전히 약해서 먹지 않습니다. 나는 체액을주고 그에게 닭고기 먹이를 강요한다. 당신의 개가 스스로 먹기 시작했을 때이 경험을 가진 사람이 있습니까? 나는 그를 잃어 버리고 있다는 걱정 때문에 아플거야.
Steve Harris - Comment
Steve Harris07 Jun 2017Reply
I see no replys to your post from 2018. I hope everything turned out ok for you and your baby. I have the exact same situation as yo posted. Friday into vet for two days. Brought my 6 year old home and I cant get him to eat.
Did your dog finally start eating on his own? How long did it take to go back to normal. Did you do anything special to return your dogs health to normal eating?
Viola - Comment
Viola07 Jun 2017Reply
제 국경 테리어는 약 5 년 전에 애디슨과 진단되었습니다. 불소가 영국 (영국)에서 중단 된 후 그녀는 25 일마다 Zycortal과 매일 프레드니손 태블릿 주사를 맞았습니다. 나는 그녀에게 주사를 준다. 그녀가 약물 치료를 받으면 그녀는 아무런 증상없이 아주 좋았습니다. 그녀는 지금 13 살입니다.
Misty - Comment
Misty07 Jun 2017Reply
내 Great Dane은 Addison의 진단을 받았다. 내 아이가 너무 아프어 보이게하고 무서운 감정이야. 그가 잘하고있는 월간 그의 샷을 얻는다는 것을 이제 어떻게 도와 줄지 모르겠다 !!!!! 어쨌든 그의 총은 한 달에 200 달러이다. 나는 큰 아기를 사랑한다. 나는 죽은 사람에게 기꺼이 간다. 그래서 그는 우리와 함께 할 수있다. 그는 더 오래 살 수있다. 그는 단지 4 살이며, 우리는 그와 더 많은 시간을 갖기를 희망한다.
Jill - Comment
Jill07 Jun 2017Reply
나는이 대화에 좀 더 낙천적 인 태도를 가져야 할 것 같은 느낌이 든다. 나는 5 년 전에 비정형 애디슨으로 진단받은 10.5 yo chihuahua poodle mix를 가지고 있습니다. 진단 단계는 약 1 주일이 걸렸으므로 끔찍한 일이었고, 그시기에는 거의 죽었습니다. 그러나 고맙게도 그녀는하지 않았고, 그녀는 그 이후로 그녀의 최고의 삶을 살아 왔습니다! 그녀는 매일 피임약을 복용하고 매달 집에 데려다 줘. (그녀보다 나는 더 힘들어!)하지만 그녀는 행복하고 건강하며 나는 내 인생에서 그녀를 데리고있는 것이 상상할 수 없었다. 이 질병의.
나는 분명히 그녀의 기분과 잘 어울리 며, 그녀가 총을 필요로 할 때를 느낄 수 있습니다. 뇌우와 수의사 방문으로 스트레스를받는 달이 있다면 가끔씩 하루 이틀이 걸립니다. 그래서 개를 잘 아는 것이 도움이됩니다. 퍼콜 텐 (Percorten)이라는 제네릭이 있지만 6 개월 이상 지속될 수있는 약 $ 150 / 바이알 (약병)이지만 현재는 저렴하지는 않습니다. 수의사에게 직접 주사를주는 법을 배우십시오 (수의사가 다르게 말하는 경우에도 피하가 될 수 있습니다. 첫 번째 환자는 집에서하는 것이 훨씬 어렵지만, 더 많은 연구를했고 SC는 괜찮 았습니다). 장기적으로 많은 돈. 우리는 해마다 전해질 판넬 전체를 처리하지만, 유지비가 그다지 나쁘지 않습니다. 그래서 분명히 많은 시나리오가 있지만, 강아지의 진단을받은 사람이라면 마음을 가져라. 애견과 함께 애디슨과 완전히 평범하고 멋진 평생 산다.
McKala G - Comment
McKala G07 Jun 2017Reply
Thank you so much for bringing this light. We have a 10 year old American Bulldog/Lab mix who is the center of our family, who was just diagnosed this week. Reading the stories and the information on it all can be terrifying. We know he's getting older - and recognize eventually his time will come, but it's comforting to know older dogs can live through this too!
Beverley Woodward  - Comment
Beverley Woodward 07 Jun 2017Reply
나의 개는 2017 년 11 월에 애디슨 병으로 진단 받았고, 그녀는 나의 아기이고, 그녀는 코티 존을 잘하고 있으며 29 일마다 발병합니다. 그녀의 전해질은 오래 걸렸지 만 괜찮습니다. 오늘은 정상보다 더 떨리고있었습니다. 그러나 불꽃 놀이는 나는 그녀를 위해 무엇이든 할 것이고 누가 누가 res을 구했는지 확신 할 수 없으므로 수의사에게 떨림에 대해 말해야합니까?
Vivienne - Comment
Vivienne07 Jun 2017Reply
Yes defiantly tell your vet, they will probably double her daily meds for 24 hours, never wait.Vivienne
Dave - Comment
Dave07 Jul 2018Reply
I have a 8 year old boxer that was diagnosed with Addison when she was 6 months old. She's the best friend I've got !! Over the years theirs been many ups and downs,she's been through 3 vets. If you don't think things are right ,don't think twice about changing. The vet she is going to now is great !! The cost to treat this disease is high , but are friends are worth it!! I hope everyone's pets are doing well,don't give up
Chummy Roo - Comment
Chummy Roo16 Jul 2018Reply
Our almost 5 year old, female, English Springer Spaniel had an Addison’s Crisis exactly a month ago today. My husband and I were out of town and we had hired my son’s friend to come and hang out with our two dogs when my daughter was at work, so they wouldn’t be lonely. I was scheduled to come home a week later than I did, but an lucky I came home when I did. A day and a half later one of our fur babies started acting odd. She wouldn’t come in, she refused her favorite treat, actually turning around and looking into the corner. She had also developed diarrhea, which was diagnosed on the first vet visit, as gastritis. That was 11:00am. By 3:30 I wasn’t really able to rouse her. The vet suggested I take her to the emergency vet. The emergency vet is about 20 minutes away and by the time we go there, she was in a complete coma. Six days later, 9 pounds lighter, she has come home. I worry about her but then remind myself that just last Friday she has completely normal labs (today is Sunday). She had been having vague symptoms for quite sometime that could always be explained away as inconsequential. Now, after the fact, things have fallen into place. Our vet doesn’t allow us to by our own bottle of injectibled, so with the lab and injection, it was almost $400. We love her and as long as she’s not suffering we will do what we need to do to get her treatments. When she first came home, we had her on a diet of boiled chicken and rice, slowly transitioning to her regular food. One thing, we were using “Pill Pockets” and they caused horrible gastric side effects and diarrhea in both dogs. They were handy but not an option for our pups. Good luck.
Diana - Comment
Diana12 Aug 2018Reply
Our 10 year old shipoo was diagnosed with Cushing disease last May but was overdosedfrom Vetoryl after the vet increased dosage. He was in crisis but luckily was given prednisone right away and got better the next day. This week the vet recommended to switch to dexamethasone for 2 weeks so LDDS ca be done to see where his cortisol level at. I gave him .25 mg of dexathemasone yesterday morning and he started vomiting and muscle weakness last night through today. Don't know what to do .... we don't have money to bring him to emergency vet hospital.
Kathryn - Comment
Kathryn17 Aug 2018Reply
I'm wondering if anyone out there has ever had any experience with a false positive ACTH test. My dog was diagnosed with Addison's on New Year's Day of this year, but I'm starting to wonder if perhaps he really doesn't have the disease at all. Sure, maybe I'm just hoping that it's not the case, but I'm really starting to wonder. He is a 26-pound Keeshond-Pomeranian mix -- so, a male dog that is not among the breeds that are typically affected. He had a severe loss of appetite for about 6 days, followed by shaking on the sixth day, which is when he was diagnosed. He had none of the other symptoms. His electrolytes tested as completely normal last month, but he was on 2.5mg of Prednisone daily, plus Percortin (until we could no longer get it) and now Fludrocortisone, instead. I asked my vet a month ago if we could reduce the Prednisone and she said we could cut back to 2.5mg every other day instead of daily, provided we kept a close eye on him. It's been about 5 weeks and I see no difference in his behavior, eating, elimination, etc. Any thoughts?
Jeff - Comment
Jeff26 Aug 2018Reply
우리 11 살 복서는 addison의 질병을 가지고 있을지도 모릅니다. 테스트를 위해 월요일에 수의사에게 갈 것입니다. 그녀는 우리 산책 중 하나에서 그녀가 개를 짖는 것을 보았을 때 쓰러졌습니다. 그녀는 수의사에게 3 일을 보냈고 지금은 주말을 보내고 있습니다. 수의사는 시험을 주문해야 했으므로 월요일에 시험에 응할 것입니다. 그녀는 편안하게 쉬고 있고, 괜찮아 보이지만, 그녀는 매우 기진 맥진합니다. 그녀는 내가 읽은 빈혈이 증상 일 수는 있지만 애완 동물과 이야기하는 사람은 여기에 눈치 채지 못했습니다. 우리는 올해 7 월 4 일 즈음에 불꽃 놀이로 에피소드를 흔드는 데, 그 전에는 전혀 두려워하지 않았습니다. 우리는 실제로 그것이 부가 물이라고 희망하고 있으며, 더 나쁜 것은 아닙니다. 최소한 addison과 함께, 우리는 그녀에게 약을 줄 수 있고, 그녀에게 조금 더 많은 시간을 살 수 있습니다.
Suzanne  - Comment
Suzanne 30 Aug 2018Reply
내 10 살짜리 보더 콜리 로이드 (Border Collie Lloyd)는 최근에 애디슨 병으로 진단 받았습니다. 첫 수의사가 피를 흘렸고 복부 초음파 검사를 받았고 진단을받지 못한 것은 시련이었다. 두 번째 수의사는 더 철저한 복부 초음파 검사와 더 많은 혈액 검사 및 Addison 's 진단을 받았습니다. 그의 증상은 거대한 체중 감소, 밤에 졸도, 혼수 상태, 그의 검은 코가 분홍색으로 변하고있었습니다. 첫 번째 수의사는 무엇이 잘못 되었는가를 알지 못했지만 Prednisone 40mg을 투여했습니다. Lloyd는 일주일 후에 지속적 구토를 시작했고 프레드니손을 멈추라 고했습니다. 나는 그런 높은 복용량을 갑자기 멈출 위험을 알고 있었기 때문에 그것을 줄였다. 나는 테스트를 반복하고 3 개월 동안 천천히 프레드니손을 감소 시켰을 때 수의사를 바꾸었다. 그는 매일 4mg을 섭취하며 잘 나타납니다. 그는 종종 피곤하지만 행복해 보입니다. 그는 단지 짧은 거리만을 걸을 수 있지만 여전히 오토바이를 듣고 울타리로 달려 가서 쫓아 갈 수 있습니다. 그의 인생에서 어떤 스트레스도 피하려고 노력하고 잘하면 몇 년 더 좋은 해를 보게 될 것입니다. 증상이 처음 병원에있는 동안 일주일 동안 개집에서 Lloyd를 떠나야 만했을 때 나타났습니다.
LaJean  - Comment
LaJean 13 Sep 2017Reply
우리는 지난 3 년간 애디슨을 치료해 온 8 살짜리 연구소가 있습니다. 체중을 위해 필요한 주사는 한 달에 300 달러 이상입니다. 아무도 그 치료법이 비용이 많이 들지 않는다는 것을 발견 했습니까? 나는 정직하게 무엇을 해야할지 모른다.
Myriam coppens - Comment
Myriam coppens13 Sep 2017Reply
Your vet is overcharging you!
Please read what people have written.
I have a dog, 14 pounds, diagnosed with this illness. Clearly at times sadly fatal, but at other times can have a good life!
I have had to stand up to my vet in regards to cost! Don’t feel guilty! Speak up! This is your dog you love!
Helga Sowa - Comment
Helga Sowa13 Sep 2017Reply
Hi laJean.
I hope that your Lab has survived Addison's? Our Yellow Lab is also 8 years old and been diagnosed with Atypical Addison's. See my note previously at the bottom of the blog.
How did your lab tolerated the injections, were they Steroids also? The Vet put ours on 50 mg of Prednisone @ day but our Dog was like 'high' and hyper from it. He is now on 25 mg only but it is still not really improving. I just came from the Vet to have another Cortisol test and Urinalysis test done, hoping to have the results on Monday,May 10, 2021, to discuss further treatment.
I would very much like to know, what people describe as 'Crashes' look like. I took the dog for a walk after the Vet visit on Friday, he trotted along nicely. Sniffing on everything and lots of peeing and a good poop. Suddenly he started whimpering, hurrieng under a bush and scratching leaves, and lying on his side, still whimpering. I was so afraid he would die right there in the Park.
He recovered after 5 - 10 Minutes and I talked and strokes him all the time.
Is that what would be considered a 'Addison's Crash'? He eats well and drinks a lot of Water but he cannot hold his Urine for long. The longest was 3 1/2 hours.
He is definitely not happy and we are sleep deprived as we get up every 2 plus hours during the night.
Your thoughts would be appreciated very much and I do hope you still enjoy your Lab today.
Warm greetings, Helga Sowa,
Toronto, Canada.
Archer  - Comment
Archer 15 Nov 2018Reply
I have a 9 year old Scottie that was diagnosed with Addison’s 3 years ago. He’s doing just fine, although he has gained about 5 pounds. It’s an expensive treatment, I purchase the generic, zycortal bottle for about $300 from the vet and they administer it, it lasts approx 3 to 4 months, he’s 30 pounds. He also takes prednisone daily.
Linda J - Comment
Linda J28 Nov 2018Reply
My dog was diagnosed with Addison's about 5 or 6 years ago. She's a Westie, and she was losing weight rapidly and shaking. Google said it was Addison's, but my vet thought it was cancer. My vet said the labs were normal, but when I googled the things that were off, the ratio of potassium/sodium pointed to Addisons as well as the urinalysis due to a specific gravity that was off. She has lived a very normal life. She is a little lethargic, but that is probably the biggest issue, which is no problem at all, really. I give her a monthly shot of percorten myself, mostly due to the stress that my dog has when we go to the vet, and a daily prednisone pill. I give her .5 mg of prednisone and .4 ml of percorten every 28 days, now zycortal, due to the problems with percorten related to the hurricane in Puerto Rico. The disease is very manageable. I would recommend looking for signs of problems, like shaking or losing weight, and adjust medications accordingly. I buy a supplement from Standard Process called Canine Adrenal Support. I sprinkle a little on her food each morning and it seems to help her with increased energy. Also, I give her a Thorne supplement that is a immune system support. I make her dog food that I use in addition to dry kibble. Just For Dogs makes a great "metabolic support" dog food that is delivered to your house frozen if you don't want to make your own. I would feel terrible if I didn't do everything that I could to help my dog have the best life possible. I feel it's my duty as a dog owner. She's 13 1/2 years old now and going strong.
Myriam - Comment
Myriam28 Nov 2018Reply
Thank you for you’re great suggestions.
Very much appreciated your information!
Wish you many more years of joy!
Lauren - Comment
Lauren24 Apr 2019Reply
I am wondering if anyone has had an experience similar to mine. It’s a little lengthy but all the details are important. My 11 yr old pit had a Pyometra last month and had to have an emergency spay. Surgery went well and so did recovery until 4/5 days after surgery. She began carrying a toy around and acting as if it were a baby, nesting for hours a day, whining, lactating and stopped eating. She was drinking water but not much. I noticed about a week after this behavior began that she was growing weaker. The vet dismissed me and said it was nothing to worry about. I came home one day to find her unable to stand. I rushed her to the vet where her glucose was 45. Blood work was perfect and she was much better after eating. We were advised to take her to the emergency vet which we did. That vet suggested we keep a close watch but did not suspect anything abnormal. All of that happened on a Friday night. Sunday morning I woke up to her vomiting and having diarrhea. I took her back to the vet where they said her glucose was 31. Now the vet says they cannot confirm it but he feels certain she has an insulinoma. I am skeptical and convinced that the Recent spay and hormonal changes have had something to do with this. Has anyone else’s dog had low glucose during a crisis? Any feedback would be helpful.
Maureen - Comment
Maureen23 May 2017Reply
I have a 14 year old pomeranian (Hemi). He's had addison and now blind and deaf due to MARS behind the eye. Not much studies happens with two months go onset. /This month it been hell with lose bowels and on flagel changed his food to chicken and rice now on canned stomach food mixed with rice. doing well but loose bowels continue. Anyone got answers

Lise Howe - Comment
Lise Howe26 Apr 2020Reply
I want to add a positive note here. I had a Addisonian standard poodle who was diagnosed when he was about three.and did just fine until he was about fourteen and a half. We got him a shot once a month (29 days) and medication - Prednisone every other day. He was fine and had a great life. When we lost him last fall, we adopted another Addisonian standard poodle. I think this one will be a little harder to keep stable but now I know that even doing everything according to schedule may not keep him stable. He gets his medication every day and his shot like clockwork, but he had been losing his appetite and had diarrhea and one vomiting episode three days ago. I had his blood work checked today and his electrolytes were out of balance. Now I know that if he starts to get droopy or vomits and gets diarrhea, it is time to head straight to the vet.For everyone with a new diagnosis of Addison's, don't give up hope. Once you get them stable, you and your precious four legged child will be fine.
Henriette Hansen - Comment
Henriette Hansen23 May 2017Reply
Our 6 years old bishon havanaise boy had 3 month with lethargic, shaking, drinking peeing, depression, weightgain snd later weightloss. Was treated for First hypothyroidism and later also Addisson.He didnt really respons to treatment and was suffering so much. Crying and so weak. We had to put him to sleep. So hard to see him suffer like that. So sad.
Annette molloy - Comment
Annette molloy13 Sep 2017Reply
I have a pug 4 years old who has been diagnosed with Addisons after having her womb removed ... she has put in so much weight and is drinking really excessively and peeing so much .. she is on the normal Addisons meds...
Veronica  - Comment
Veronica 10 Nov 2020Reply
My baby have addisons disease. I just want you guys to know its an excellent site on face book. They help with your babies lab results, if you getting wrong dose. Check it out.
Sonja - Comment
Sonja11 Nov 2020Reply
For those of who has to say goodbye to your pet my heart grieves for you.
For those whose animal have continued, after treatment, did your dog/cat perk up? Do they ‘improve’? Does the depression lift? Our dog is so sad he seems so miserable.
Mona - Comment
Mona28 Nov 2020Reply
My rescue dog is nine years old and weighs 18 lbs. He was diagnosed with Addison's four months ago. Initially, I took him to an emergency hospital, and while he was getting a CT scan (vet thought he might need surgery), his heart stopped. The vet administered CPR and revived him! Now she believed he might have Addison's disease and sure enough, tests showed he does! After an overnight at the hospital, my boy was stabilized and since then, I administer a daily dose of prednisone and a monthly injection of Percorten. Today, he seems to be suffering a sort of relapse since he's shaking a lot and he doesn't want his dinner (extremely rare). I plan to make an appointment for him next week to see if his meds need tweaking. Emergency treatment was pricey, and altogether vet costs have been about $6.5K. Like all of you, my boy is family and he is most precious to me, so I'm hoping he only requires a medication adjustment. I send my very best wishes to all of you who are treating your Addison's pup!
Lyndsay  - Comment
Lyndsay 03 Dec 2020Reply
My dog just diagnosed with Addisons last week, she is 6, she is on steroids and had fluids yesterday but she still sleeping lots and struggles to get up. What should I be doing, should I be making her get up and move, small walks, or just let her rest ? Vets appears to gace treated her but not told me anything else.
Nancy H - Comment
Nancy H03 Dec 2020Reply
the correct treatment depends upon the blood work. There are tupical and atypical types of Addisons. If you are not comfortable with how your dog is doing, get a second opinion from a vet at sn AAHA accredited veterinary hospital. Ask them to review the blood work and the treatment plan developed by the vet that gave you the Addisons disgnosis. .
Nancy H - Comment
Nancy H07 Dec 2020Reply
I have an English Cocker. He was diagnosed with Atypical-Atypical Addisons when he was 2.5 yrs old. This unusual type of Addisons requires him to have Percorten injections every 25 Days, but NOT low-dose Steroid pills. He is now 10. We have been warned thst stressful situations could put him at risk of developing full Addisons. So far we have been lucky to avoid that.

I have found that many vets have limited experience with Addisons and NO understanding of Atypical forms of it. If your vet is unable to diagnose your dog's problem, get another opinion. Go to a specialty clinic or go to an AAHA accredited vet hospital.
Lyndsay  - Comment
Lyndsay 07 Dec 2020Reply
Thank you replying to my message, sadly Willow passed away Wednesday night 5 days after diagnosis. Still in shock, such a dangerous disease i wished the vet had kept her in for observation longer as she clapsed Tuesday morning and put on a drip but later returned home that day with a view that the steroids should start to kick in as long as wasn't sick. Think this was too premature to place her back with us after a crisis, hence why she went back into crisis and died in front of us so quickly as couldn't get her to the vets in time.
Iris - Comment
Iris05 Jan 2021Reply
My rescue dog got very sick Dec 17th with vomiting diarhea and no appetite she's not quite 3.I took her to the vet the next day they admin IV fluids& Cerenia and sent me home w/antinausea meds&Flagyl.By monday she was worse with bloody mucus poop.I decided to bring a stool sample just in case and my Vet sent me straight to VET ER.after 4 days and all sorts of tests nothing conclusive$ 3500.00 later I still have a sick dog at home the ONLY thing that makes her better is Prednisone. 1st diagnosis was Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis Now they think Addisons the 1st Addisons was neg.I'm just beside myself.
Barbara - Comment
Barbara18 Jan 2021Reply
My 8 year old Rottweiler was diag. 3 days ago w/ severe Addison's. Severely lethargic, not eating for 6 days..the Vet put her on Prednisone and the steroid shot I give at home. I am also giving her Iv fluids sub-q at home LR with B12 added. Her Bw was severe Addisons. What I found helpful from a post above..since she's not eating..BABY FOOD!!! I got the meat ones and she LOVED the Turkey(ate 1 small jar of it) and 1/2 a chicken one so far! Slowly if I can get her just eating that then progress to her dog food again will be a miracle. I pray she will get better and we can manage this illness!!! I refuse to give up on her!!! My vet says they don't have any pain with this illness which eases my mind.
Debbie  - Comment
Debbie 06 Feb 2021Reply
My fur baby is a rat terrier. She was diagnosed with addisons a yesr ago. She was doing great on the percoten. A few weeks ago she relapsed between the 25 day shot. I let her doctor know what she was doing and not doing. It took IV fluids and prednisone and over a week to get her back to eating and moving. It’s so scary because they go down so fast. My girl is 9 years old and doing much better. Best wishes to every fur baby mom and dad who is going they this.
Shellia - Comment
Shellia22 Mar 2021Reply
My baby is a female Beagle mix. She has been sick for at least 4 weeks. First vet I took her to tested for pancreatitis test was negative. Next vet has been treating her for nausea and giving her Carafate. We are now waiting to get Addisons test back tomorrow. She is now on Presnisolone since Friday. Her shaking has gotten better. She will not eat I have tried everything for her to eat Toni avail. She is drinking water and is still walking around good. What do I do to get her to eat and what foods ?
Maureen Beardsmore - Comment
Maureen Beardsmore04 Apr 2021Reply
In 2000 we got a Maltese X puppy who was eventually diagnosed at 8 years with Addisons after many misdiagnosis. Luckily Prednisone was the treatment for the problems the vet thought she had so by default it actually helped her Addisons and she was ok until at 8yrs when she had a crisis and was finally diagnosed.
With Florinef and Pred we were able to enjoy 15 years of unconditional love from our beautiful girl. Fast forward to 2019 almost 6 years after she passed and we brought home a gorgeous little Maltese X. It didn't take long for us to notice certain behavioural traits that we had seen in our previous maltese. Personality and behaviours we had not seen in any of the other 6 dogs we have had. The similarities were so obvious our family started saying it was our previous dog reincarnated! No surprise then that when at 2 years of age she suddenly went downhill with vomiting, shaking etc.
Emergency vets, fluids etc nearly lost her.
Diagnosis. ACTH stim test positive for Addisons. She is now stabilised and on the appropriate meds. We know what to expect this time so we will watch her closely in times of stress and hopefully we can enjoy 15 years of unconditional love again.
Mary-Clare Johnson  - Comment
Mary-Clare Johnson 06 Apr 2021Reply
Hi, my 1 year old cockerpoo Ruby was diagnosed with addisons today. She had been in the emergency vet for 2 days being treated for gastroenteritis and they also suspect poisoning.
I've read further attacks can be caused by stress?
Deanna Anzevino - Comment
Deanna Anzevino11 Apr 2021Reply
Hello all. I had to send my 15 1/2 year old Rocco (Italian Grey Hound) to Heaven yesterday due to a sudden Addisonian Crisis. No changes in our life, no stressors, nothing but a big question Mark as to why this happened. Reading all the above posts from so many people with different dogs I have to wonder why? Is there a common factor with all of us? Is it something that is in some dog foods or treats that causes this but not yet discovered? I wonder if anyone Is compiling info and trying to find a cause or two? Idk, I can’t stop crying, he meant so much to me and the last few days were like no other.. very sad disease..
Suz - Comment
Suz11 Apr 2021Reply
I am so sorry for your loss!
Helga Sowa - Comment
Helga Sowa14 Apr 2021Reply
Our 8 year old Lab was diagnosed with Atypical Addison disease 2 weeks ago. He was to take 5 mg Prednisone twice per day, every 12 hrs. The effect was, he needed to pee every hour, desperate to get out the door. Also lost control of his Bladder during the night, 3rd day of treatment. Obviously the dose was too high and we gave him half the dosage, 2.5 mg twice a day. He still has to pee every 2 hrs, but during the night he may last 3-4 hrs. He is eating normal, like most Labradors, always wants more!
Last night I woke up, he slept for 5 Hrs but..his bed was wet, he lost Bladder control again. This is definitely NOT what our dog is happy about and it is very stressful for us. He has never had an accident in the house or car before his diagnosis. Reading all the posts you pet lover have written, nobody mentioned anything regarding excessive URINATING?? He seems to drink a lot of water which apparently is due to the Prednisone.
He never had any shaking but we experienced Seizure like episodes, thinking he might have Epilepsy.
During a walk, when he would run off leash a bit wild for a few minutes with another dog, he suddenly whimpers, looking for some bushes to crawl under and just collapses! It's terrifying, we think it's like he is looking for a place to die. This has been happening for the last 3 - 4 years, especially during hot weather, we always carry water with us though. When it happened during a cold Wintery Walk and this episode happened, we got really, seriously concerned. We suspected he might have a Heart issue but our Vet always assured us, his heart was fine. Now, that he has been diagnosed with Addison, we do hope, the situation will improve. He will have another test in a week or so, to determine if his Cortisol level has increased. We do hope we will have another 4 yrs at least with our loving companion.
Thank you, Helga.
Lindsay - Comment
Lindsay14 Apr 2021Reply
Our German shepherd was just diagnosed a month ago and even with normal electrolyte levels and the two medications she has uncontrollable loose stool and urinating issues. We don’t know what to do.
Suz  - Comment
Suz 14 Apr 2021Reply
I would go to a vet that specializes in endocrine issues. The reason he was running Everett the bushes is because without enough cortisol their fight or flight reflex is messed up. Stress they can’t handle. I don’t know about the urination. My dog was just diagnosed and he’s only nine months old. I don’t know what to expect so I’m reading everything I can find.
Matthew  - Comment
Matthew 23 Apr 2021Reply
My 7 year old terrier mix was diagnosed with Addison’s after a crisis event 4 days ago. She spent 2 night at the vet hospital and came home yesterday. During the crisis event she developed ataxia and a head shake. Since being home the ataxia continues, she can no longer use the steps, and cannot jump to the couch. Any others have a dog with ataxia after an addisons crisis? Hoping with time it will resolve.
Dylan - Comment
Dylan23 Apr 2021Reply
My 1.5 year old rottweiler was diagnosed with addisons yesterday. luckily our normal vet is also an emergency clinic so they hospitalized her for the night. The vet said she was eating and playful which seem to be true as she isnt as skinny as she looked. She was even jumping on the vet when she came back in the room today, but when we got home after she went potty shes just been sleeping. I called the vet and they said thats normal. I feel im over reacting but i just want to be sure she is okay. does it take time for the medicine to fully work on her and kick in?
Jeanine - Comment
Jeanine23 May 2017Reply
My 9 year old yorkie Annie was diagnosed with atypical Addisons last week. She has been in and out hospital for almost 2 months , i have been an emotional wreck! She has had Atleast 3-4 crisis during that time , never getting back to normal. She normally weighs around 6 lbs. she is now 4 and a half lbs. Annie is now on lowest dose of prednisone and has made a big improvement, she seems to be back to herself... I feel for all of the pups and owners who have to go thru this horrible disease. BTW the totaled cost has been over $5000!!
Shawna - Comment
Shawna31 Jul 2021Reply
My mini poodle mix (rescue) was diagnosed with atypical Addison’s in October 2019 at age 8. His crisis started with uncontrollable shaking on a Saturday followed by vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, lethargy & couldn’t get up to walk. He could barely stand to pee. I took him to our vet first thing on the following Monday. At first they thought it was a severe case of pancreatitis but luckily my vet ran the Addison’s test & discovered quickly that his kidneys were failing due to Addison’s. He was very close to dying. He was in hospital for two days on IVs, prednisone and 1st Zycortal injection. He started out taking .25mg of prednisone daily but he gained about 6 pounds & was aggressive when it came to food. He now takes .50 mg twice a week & zycortal injections monthly. When I know he’s going to be under great stress (ie grooming, nail clippings, company) I increase his prednisone but he’s done very well & seems happy. He sleeps more than before but that’s could be because of weight gain & getting older. I still am paranoid any time he acts out of character or doesn’t eat. My vet has been very patient with me & appreciates that I do call as soon as I see an abnormality in his behavior. Looking back at behaviors & various incidents the year before his 1st crisis, I feel like I should've known something wasn’t right. He’s been ill & has even developed an ulcer from the prednisone but hasn’t had another crisis. I don’t have a lot of $ & have probably spent around $5k since he was diagnosed but until appears to be a suffering or in pain so I’m going to do everything I can for him. I thought the diagnosis was the beginning of the end but I now see how well he responds to treatment & enjoy every second I am with him!
Friedrun - Comment
Friedrun27 Aug 2021Reply
Today exactly one month ago my beautiful, beloved 2-year old Australian Shepherd died during an extremely fast developing Addisonian crisis. He never had any previous symptoms, was healthy, full of fun and energy. The day before he died, he showed signs of not feeling well, was lethargic, but no such symptoms like vomiting or diarrhea or shaking. I took him to the vet that morning straight away, and he was put on a drip and kept at the hospital during the night. The blood tests on the first day showed not enough evidence to diagnose Addison's disease, or my vet was just not experienced enough to suspect this disease. The following day my dog Felix got worse, could not walk and my vet wanted him, by now very much on alert, to get an urgent MRI done. Until he could find a suitable place around town we lost a lot of precious time, and Felix was by then in an acute Addisonian crisis. I fetched my dog just after 1pm to drive him for 2 hours to the hospital where they accepted him for a thorough examination. Felix was by then half gone, his tongue hanging out, his breathing very hectic. They had to carry him into the hospital and then for 3 hours tried to diagnose his problem including some more blood tests. The doctors were eventually sure that it was Addisonian crisis. They assured us to do their utmost to stabilize Felix. We left the hospital at 6pm, and half an hour later the phone rang, and the doctor gave us the devastating news that unfortunately Felix did not make it and passed away. So absolutely without any previous warning!!! We are still in deep shock and pain about the loss of our Felix, who had just turned from a puppy into a beautiful young adolescent.
Hannah - Comment
Hannah13 Sep 2017Reply
My 4 year old Boxer was diagnosed Oct. of 2019 and it has been a crazy (almost) 2 years. We took her to multiple vets before the emergency vet found out the problem. The signs were clear: Lethargic, bloody stool, dehydration, shaking (like if she was cold or sick), weakness. Before taking her to the emergency vet, she would not eat, drink or move. She was unable to stand or barely pick up her head. I knew taking her to her regular vet would do no justice since she clearly wasn’t getting any better, so we took her to the emergency vet and they immediately took labs and luckily the vet there had dealt with Addisonian dogs before and made the diagnosis. She stayed overnight and the next day was looking and feeling much better. She is on Prednisone daily and PercortenV injection once a month. The prednisone has been the trickiest part of dealing with this disease but after continuous lab work and care from our vet we have finally found a good fix. There has been a time when it is a high stress environment that she will show signs of crisis and we try not to panic. We do the best we can to act quickly and call our vet to see what they want us to do. This disease can be so ugly but she has been so healthy since we squashed the problem. Do your research, reach out to other vets and ask if they deal with Addisonian dogs, try not to panic (dogs sense stress which can put them in more stress), and love on them as much as you can. Hope this helps someone!
Christine - Comment
Christine13 Sep 2017Reply
My dog Talisker is a Great Dane and was diagnosed with Addison’s at 2 years old. She takes Zycortal and Prednisone and we have not had a attack since the one at two years old. (She’s now 5) we were lucky enough to get her on a low dosage plan, 2.5 ml per month rather than the suggested 4 ml per month (the entire vial) and I was able to source a supplier for $100 for a 4 ml vial and learned to give injections myself. For giant breeds, this is a expensive condition. For the past 2 years she has gradually lost control of her bladder which is a result of the daily steroid. Most often she empties her whole bladder while asleep. Now, within the last 6 months, we’ve started to treat for arthritic back hips. I don’t know how much time we will have left with her but it can certainly be a draining ordeal. Best of luck to anyone going through this!
Chelle - Comment
Chelle04 Nov 2021Reply
Our mixed breed female will be 8-years old this weekend. She was officially diagnosed with Addison’s disease this morning. The symptoms came on very gradually over the past few months. I thought her trembling was due to storms and fireworks but now I know it was stress-related due to Addison’s. This past week she stopped eating which caused me to take her to the vet. They ran the blood test yesterday that confirmed Addison’s. She had her shot today and I started her on prednisone this morning. She is still lethargic and won’t eat but I am hopeful she will start to improve tomorrow. I love her and am extra attentive to her moods and behaviors. I am optimistic that she will be a success story for Addison’s.
Penny - Comment
Penny04 Nov 2021Reply
Chelle…. Did your baby ever start eating? When and what did you feed it? My 3 year old female standard poodle was diagnosed today and they suspected adddisons so they started treatment yesterday. She will not eat.
Emma  - Comment
Emma 14 Jan 2022Reply
Hi. My dog, Lady a springer spaniel went into a crisis last year and she pulled through (£800 later) but is now still having to have blood tests on the 10th and 28th day after her shot. The vet keeps insisting on it but it’s costing us a fortune! Has anybody ever tried any natural remedies at all?
Martin - Comment
Martin14 Jan 2022Reply
We’ve just begun and have spent about $2000 already for tests and medications
Emma  - Comment
Emma 14 Jan 2022Reply
Yes. Lady for ten years has never been a big dog and the vet has always said she was healthy but this time last year she had her first crisis and declined so fast she nearly died. We went to a different vet who diagnosed her almost immediately and got her back to Heath within a couple of days. Her bloods yesterday came back stable so the vet visits are now every six weeks for her shot and every twelve weeks for her bloods. Safe to say the steroids have given her quite the appetite and she’s gained a lot of weight so no more snacks….for a ten year old dog who wants to live her best life and eat all day it’s proving difficult! It’s costing us around £125 each vet visit…….
Has your dog been the anxious type? Lady always has been timid and I hear that’s quite common with Addison dogs x
Martin - Comment
Martin15 Jan 2022Reply
My Great Dane Athena was diagnosed a couple days ago, she was very lethargic, stopped eating , slept more than usual, she just wasn’t herself
We have her on prednisone and are waiting for her shots to come in. She has started eating more and more daily, we buy 3 whole rotisserie chickens and break them down and shred them for her. We even purchased entyce to give her an appetite and I want to say that it sort of worked because she did her up and come around looking for food. She has been leaving her room more and more and has become social again but not as much as she was before. We caught it in time and I’m lucky that we have a great vet that can answer any questions about treatment or anything we can ask. It’s painful to see her almost collapse and give up but she’s my everything and I can’t give up on her.
Cassandra - Comment
Cassandra07 Jun 2017Reply
My little IG Archie went into an Addisonian crisis when he was 3 months old after receiving a distemper shot. He became very lethargic, wouldn’t eat and was vomiting dark brown bile. I rushed him to our nearest emergency center an hour away and he completely collapsed by the time we arrived. They told me he was likely going to die and asked if I would authorize CPR, which I did. His heart actually stopped beating, they started CPR and were able to get his heart beating again. Once he was properly diagnosed, his was back to his old self within hours, running around and licking everyone. He has done well on his meds and is now 2 years old.
Pat  - Comment
Pat 19 Jul 2022Reply
There is hope. Our now 16 year old Pug, Olive, was diagnosed with Addisons at 6 months old during an Addisonian crisis. She has takes prednisone daily and Percorten about every 25 days ever since. She has had a full happy active life. She has slowed down lately, (she is 16), but still seems happy and pain free.
Kathleen  - Comment
Kathleen 07 Jun 2017Reply
My chihuahua Jax is 11 years old- she was diagnosed with Addison disease at four years old
It’s been fairly easy for her first few years with Addison’s , but the last year she has been on a rollercoaster, up and down and it’s finally getting to feel as if all her trips to her vet are not helping, only for a short while and she’s back with needing more care- she’s on 1/2 m percortin , her shot every 25 days
She threw up clear fluids today, her stools are ok , she’s moans at times and has been on a new diet, lost a lot of weight, she looks too thin , I’m off to the vet a few times a month
It’s frustrating- she’s my very best friend and u all know how precious our animals are
She’s my little baby, and I’m wondering if I’m doing the right thing by her
She’s great for awhile after treatment and fails gradually each month
I’ve shed many tears and just think 🤔, when will she return to the frisky life she’s had

Kathy - Comment
Kathy07 Feb 2025Reply
My dog, a Minpin, acted what I call " droopy". Fortunately, I noticed it right away. He has his prednisone and monthly shots. Fortunately, he's never had a crisis. I hope all your dogs stay happy and healthy.

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