$50 이상 구매 시 전세계 무료 배송

9 뮤지컬 고양이

 2014 년 5 월 3 일 michele |
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1. “It’s a shame we didn’t learn anything else besides Cat’s In the Cradle.


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2. “Who let the dog’s out!


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3. "Eat your heart out Liberace!"


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4. “This is not the kind of scratching I’m used to.”


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5. “It's like a jungle sometimes. It makes me wonder how I keep from goin' under under.

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6. “Ebony and ivory… live together in purrfect harmony.


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7. “Money for nothing and your licks for free.


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8. “They don't call cats cool for nothing.”


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9. “Put your paw in the air and wave it like you just don’t care!


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